
You do not need to purchase a book to attend the Abide Conference, but you may find these resources helpful. We will be using Grasping God's Word by J. Scott Duvall & J. Daniel Hays as our primary text and we will refer to it throughout the weekend. If you are looking for a book that covers the same basic principles of interpretation, yet doesn't go into such great detail, you may want to consider Journey Into God's Word written by the same authors. 

  • Book Option #1

    GrASPing God's Word

    by j. Scott Duvall & J. Daniel Hays

    Grasping God's Word has proven itself in classrooms across the country as an invaluable help to students who want to learn how to read, interpret, and apply the Bible for themselves. This book will equip you with a five-step Interpretive Journey that will help you make sense of any passage in the Bible. It will also guide you through all the different genres found in the Bible to help you learn the specifics of how to best approach each one.

    Filling the gap between approaches that are too simple and others that are too technical, this book starts by equipping readers with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to specific genres and contexts.

  • Book Option #2

    Journey Into God's Word

    by j. Scott Duvall & J. Daniel Hays

    Journey into God's Word, Second Edition helps Bible readers acquire these skills and become better at reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible to life. Based on the bestselling college/seminary textbook Grasping God's Word it takes the proven principles from that book and makes them accessible to people in the church. It starts with general principles of interpretation, then moves on to apply those principles to specific genres and contexts. Hands-on exercises guide readers through the interpretation process, with an emphasis on real-life application. This second edition has been revised and updated to match the fourth edition of Grasping God's Word with a five-step Interpretive Journey.

Primary Text 

from previous Abide Conferences

  • 2023

    Revelation for the Rest of Us: 

    A Prophetic Call to Follow Jesus as a Dissident Disciple

    by Scot McKnight with Cody Matchett
  • 2022

    Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes:

    Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible

    by E. Randolph Richards and Brandon J. O'Brien

  • 2021

    Spirituality According to John:  

    Abiding in Christ in the Johannine Writings

    by Rodney Reeves