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FBC Ministries

Information & Upcoming Events

    • Sunday MorningsSunday School @ 9:45 am,  Childcare at 8:45 & 11:00 am on the first floor of the LIFE Building
    • MIDWEEK Activities - Wednesday nights @ 6:00 pm on the first floor of the LIFE Building
    * holiday schedule may vary. Check below in "upcoming events" for details. 


    • Text Groups: If you would like to join the First Tots parent text group, text "Tot parent" to (833) 235-5992 and follow the prompts. This will sign you up for the parent group as well as the church-wide group. (This new text system will allow an individual to receive group or individual text messages from the church and send messages directly to the church, but will NOT allow church members to text one another.)
    • April 9: Wednesday Night Dinner @ 5:00pm

    • Sunday Mornings - Sunday School @ 9:45 am on the 2nd floor of the LIFE Building, Worship Service at 8:45 & 11:00 am.
    • MIDWEEK Activities -  6:00 pm on the second floor of the LIFE Building.
    * holiday schedule may vary. Check below in "upcoming events" for details. 

    • Text Groups: If you would like to join the First Kids parent text group, text "Kid parent" to (833) 235-5992 and follow the prompts. This will sign you up for the parent group as well as the church-wide group. (This new text system will allow an individual to receive group or individual text messages from the church and send messages directly to the church, but will NOT allow church members to text one another.)
    • April 9: Wednesday Night Dinner @ 5:00pm

    • Sunday Mornings - Connect Groups @ 9:45 am in the SkyBox (4th floor of the LIFE Building), Worship Service @ 8:45 & 11:00 am.
    • MIDWEEK Activities - Wednesday nights @ 6:00 in the SkyBox (4th floor of the LIFE Building).
    * holiday schedule may vary. Check below in "upcoming events" for details. 

    • Text Groups: If you would like to join the parent text group, text "Student parent" to (833) 235-5992 and follow the prompts. This will sign you up for the parent group as well as the church-wide group. If you would like your student to sign up for the student text group, they can text "student" to the same number. This will sign them up for the student group as well as the church-wide group. (This new text system will allow an individual to receive group or individual text messages from the church and send messages to the church, but will NOT allow church members to text one another.) 
    • April 9: Wednesday Night Dinner @ 5:00pm
    • March 22-27: Mission Arlington. Spring Break Mission Trip to Arlington, TX. Cost: $200 ($175 if student also attends ABIDE) Register
    • June 16-20: Mission Fuge @ Missouri Baptist University. Cost: $400 Register
    • Sunday Mornings - Sunday School @ 9:45 am on the 3rd floor of the LIFE Building, Worship Services at 8:45 & 11:00 am.
    • Wednesday Nights - Wednesday Night Worship @ 7:30 pm in the Student Ministry Building @ FBC

    * holiday schedule may vary. Check below in "upcoming events" for details. 



    • Sunday Mornings - Sunday School @ 9:45 am, Worship Service @ 8:45 & 11:00 am
    • Sunday Evenings - Discipleship Group with Rodney @ 5:00 pm in the chapel
    • Wednesday Morning - Women's Bible Study @ 10:00 am in the FH
    • Wednesday Evening Bible Studies - Book Study with Rodney @ 6:00 pm (in FH) & a Men's Study and a Women's Study on the 3rd Floor of the LIFE Building @ 6:00 pm.
    • April 2: Caregiver Support Group
    • April 9: Wednesday Night Dinner @ 5:00pm
    • April 14: First Women will gather for their spring event, First Women's Garden Party. Registration is open. 
    • April 14-18: Holy Week @ Blessed Sacrament. Monday - Rodney will speak, Tuesday - FBC serve the meal, Friday - FBC will provide ushers and choir will share
    • April 19: Saturday Night Easter Service @ 6:00 pm
    • April 20: Easter Services at 8:45 & 11:00 am, Church-wide Fellowship @ 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall. 
    • May 25: Church in the Park. This year we will have our Sunday morning service and grill at Craighead Forrest Park, Pavilions 3 & 4. 
  • For 2025 we will have a special mission offering. The 2nd Sunday of each month we will highlight one of our mission areas and ask everyone to give an extra $5 to be used in support of that specific need.
    On the day of collection we will share information about the mission area, a practical need we hope to meet with our gift, and one specific area of service with which we can help. The following month we will celebrate how the money was utilized and the service we provided; then we will introduce the mission emphasis for that month.
    Special offering envelopes will be available for your $5 donation, as well as a digital link

    2025 2nd Sundays:
    • February: Jonesboro High School Backpack program.
    • January: ASU BCM Spring Break Mission Trip.

    2024 2nd Sundays:
    • December: Celebration
    • November: Christmas Emporium.
    • October: Global Strategy - Bush International Mission. 
    • September: Community Block Party
    • August: The Salvation Army. 
    • July: In July we gave $1,065 for the Back2School Bashes at International Studies and Math & Science schools.
    • June: Hope House. In June we raised $1850.00 to help with day to day needs and help provide meals for the patrons of the Hope House. 
    • May: In May we raised $1,100.00 to purchase bicycles for Christmas Emporium.
    • April: Desired Haven Family Care. In April we collected $3,020.00 for Desired Haven.
    • March: Helping Neighbors Food Pantry. In March we collected $4,190.00 for the Helping Neighbors Food Pantry. These $5 donations really do add up and make a big difference for these programs. To volunteer call (870) 935-7298. They are open M, T, TH 10 am -2 pm & 5-7 pm the first Tuesday of the month. 
    • February: ASU BCM. In February we collected $3,500 to help send students on their Chicago spring break mission trip and committed to pray for the students while they were serving. Thank you for partnering with the BCM in prayer as well as financially. 
    • January 2024: Options on Main. In January we were able to donate $3141 to help provide car seats and FBC hosted a community night of worship. 

    • All charitable gifts must be hand delivered, postmarked, or electronically posted on or before Dec. 31, 2024 in order to be counted on your 2024 Record of Contributions.
    • In-Person Giving: You may give in-person using the offering boxes provided outside of the Sanctuary on Sunday mornings, or by delivering your gift to the church office during regular office hours. (M-Th 8:00-4:30, F 8:00-12:00). 
    • Giving by Mail: You may mail your gift to First Baptist Church, 701 S. Main St, Jonesboro, AR 72401. Postmark must be on or before Dec. 31. 
    • RealmConnect App - you may give electronically on or before Dec. 31 (gift will post on the date given)
    • Online Bill pay via your bank - prior to sending a check through your Online Bill Pay, please verify the "available pay date" with your bank. For check payments, the next available pay date will typically show anywhere from 2-5 business days later.


    • Offering Boxes - Offering Boxes are located at each entrance of the Sanctuary. Simply drop your gift in the box when you are attending service on Sunday. Offering envelopes are available and you can pick one up on a Sunday, or have personalized envelopes mailed to your home. Contact the Church office if you would like envelopes mailed. 
    • Sunday School Class - Many Sunday School Classes take up an offering during the Sunday School Hour. 
    • Church Office - Gifts can also be brought by the Church Office during regular business hours. 8:00-4:30 (M-Th), 8:00-12:00 (F).
    • Realm Connect - You may use the REALM Connect app to make a one time gift, or set up recurring gifts. The app also allows you to view your giving history and more. 
    • Using a Credit Card via Square    General Fund Giving
    • PayPal Giving Fund - First Baptist Church is registered as an eligible charity with PayPal Giving Fund. Donations can be made from an individual's PayPal account dashboard by navigating to 'Donate to a Cause' and then finding 'First Baptist Church Jonesboro Arkansas' via the searchable database of charities. Donations from PayPal Giving Fund may take 15-45 days to process.  (You will not receive a tax receipt from First Baptist for donations made via PayPal, as all donations are made by PayPal Giving Fund. )
    BY MAIL:
    Whether mailing a handwritten check or sending a check using your Online Bill Pay via your bank, you may mail your gift to the church office: First Baptist Church, 701 S. Main St, Jonesboro, AR 72401. Unless otherwise noted in the memo line, all monetary gifts will be applied to the General Budget. 

    If you wish to arrange to give tax free via stocks, retirement account, or an end of life gift, please contact the church office or email giving@fbcjoneboro.org for more details.
  • Journeys of Paul & John Tour

    October 6-8, 2025

    Cost: $6,299

    We will once again be working with Dehoney Travel, and we anticipate a fantastic trip. The Journeys of Paul & John will be a 13-day trip and the cost will be $6,299 with optional upgrades. This price includes airfare (departing/arriving from Memphis airport), transportation, lodging, tips, breakfast & dinner each day, and several lunches. To read about all of the details, see the digital copy of the itinerary, and the pdf of the Enrollment Form, or the link to the Enrollment Form that will allow you to fill out the form online. In order to confirm your place on the trip, you will need to complete the Enrollment Form (on paper or digitally), submit the form to Dehoney Travel (via mail or email), and submit your $1,000 deposit using one of the methods described on the Enrollment Form. Space is limited for this trip (40 travelers), and it is likely to fill up quickly. 

    To submit form and payment using email: 

    1. Complete the form using the link: October 6-18, 2025 Journeys of Paul tour
    2. Submit the form.
    3. If you included the necessary information for your credit card or e-check, you are done. If you would like to pay over the phone, call 812-206-1080 to arrange payment.  

    To submit your form and payment through the mail: 

    1. Pick up an Enrollment form from the Church office or print one out using the pdf attached to this email.  
    2. Fill out the form in its entirety.  
    3. Mail your form and payment (if writing a check) to Dehoney Travel, 3008 Charlestown Crossing, New Albany, IN 47150. If you opt to pay using a credit card or e-check and you have included all the necessary information, you only need to mail the form.  

    If I can assist you in the enrollment process, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me during the week at the church office, 870-932-3456, or by email, twhite@fbcjonesboro.org